Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm a bad blogger!

Yep I have been away from this thing for a bit. Last weekend I had my 20th class reunion. I only went to the first night. I was nice seeing a few people that I had wondered where the heck they went. Alot of people are still around and imagine that, I just don't see. All in all, it was fun.

Please continue to pray for Erika. Being out on her own now and no job has got to suck but you know, I just am not chasing her anymore. I love her, will pray for her, and that's about all I can do.

Kids will be starting school in 2 weeks? DID YOU HEAR THAT? YES that was me squealing for joy! They are so bored and ready. Emma especially needs back to that structure. LOL Can you tell she's the thorn in my side lately? She is just contantly naughty. Into everything, doesn't listen. Typical I know, but she is ready for Kindergarten and so am I. Sam is the one I will have a hard time dealing with. He's going to be going to 1st grade, ALL DAY! My baby boy is growing up. He doesn't always like to to call him that either. hehe He catches me looking at him all the time. I just can't believe how grown up he is getting. And Trevor? WOW big bad 8th grader. Ruler of the school! I told him to enjoy it now because next year he will be the freshman pee-on. LOL What fun years huh?

Ok, gotta go but will leave you with a couple I snapped the other day of Emma at her best of times lately! hehe (Love that girl, really I do!)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Its Thursday!

And its so stinkin' hot! Blahhhhh Anyway, just stopped by to post one photo for ya! Tomorrow is my 20 year class reunion. My best friend from high school is coming so I am way excited about that. Haven't seen her in 5 years!! Woohoo! Just wanted to forewarn you all that my blog will probably be neglected over the next few days. Between that and helping my best friend move, its gonna be a crazy busy weekend. So until then, herrrrreeeee's SAMMY! LOL

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Twitter anyone?

Hey check me out! I added Twitter to the thing! Make sure you leave me a comment there!!! Until then!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Ok all, this is CLASSIC EMMA! The child of a photographer! She hates me I tell ya! LOL This is what she gives me most of the time, even if I bribe and beg. Oh well gotta love her even though she is kinda bratty! HA On a side note, those of you that have followed the goings on of our oldest DD, we would like to ask that you keep her in your prayers. She has moved out and we didn't stop her this time. We just feel like we have done everything we can for her. We are just gonna leave her in God's hands. Thanks so much! Until next time!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sweet Emma Lou!

Well her name isn't actually Emma LOU its Emma Faith but we've have always called her Emma Lou. Anywho...I snapped these last night and used Tori's action web sharpening action on them! Thanks girl! Until next time!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Ok so I decided to play with a picture in photoshop and try and familiarize myself with textures. I found this picture of one of my roses from a couple years ago. Nevermind it was diseased but I thought it turned out good. I ran Jess' retro photo over it and played with the layers and then added the texture. Here it is:

Now, tonight I started to read on The Pioneer Womans blog about backlighting. So I tried my hand at it. So this is what I came up with. CC welcome!! Until next time!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

POTD July 16th

Its been a long day! Drove out to my parents house to see my grandpa who was in town. Was good to see him. I hadn't seen him in 2 years. He's 84 years young and just as ornery as ever! Gotta love that about him. The kids didn't last long. My parents live in a small home with not much to keep them occupied so we didn't stay long. This evening Emma and Sam let me snap a few of them. I love that they are so close in age and close to each other. They aren't afraid to show their love or HATE for each other. Thank goodness I caught the LOVE. LOL

Emma was being such a turd. Yes I said TURD. That is what she is when she isn't cooperating for me. I even bribed her with gum. Sheesh!

Thought I would share a couple of layouts I have done recently. Until next time!

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's monday...

and sometimes you just GOTTA...


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Couple more from yesterday!

Enjoy! Thanks for your wonderful comments!! Until next time!

These next 2 are the outtakes I was talking about! LOL Hey at least you'll get a good laugh!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just one!

Man has the weather been nice today. Can't believe it is actually 68 degrees out right now. I was nice to be able to go outside and snap a couple of pictures of Emma riding her bike. ALTHOUGH she was being such a turd and not cooperating. Even bribing her with a popsicle didn't do any good. So I have to settle for what I got. So here's just one! Until next time!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

POTD 7-11

Just a couple more from yesterday that I got edited. Enjoy and Until next time!

I just love this first one. Emma is growing up so fast and in this photo I can still see a little bit of baby in her cheeks!

and in this one, don't you just LOVE those glasses? She does!! hehe

and this one I just love it! Not sure about the conversion though. Been having a hard time with BW lately. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

POTD July 10th

First, check out what I will be working on for the next few weeks! I am so excited to get the kit and get started. Here's a picture of that BAD BOY from Homegrown Scrapbooks!

Second, I was able to snap a couple of the youngest 2 kiddos this afternoon. Sam was being silly with the headband. LOL What do you think of the PPing? Until next time.

Just a couple!

Thought I would throw in a couple layouts I have done recently! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

WOW 2 posts...

in one day! Wanted to add a couple of pictures I have edited. Thanks for peeking!

and LOOK, Sam lost his top front tooth!!(with mom's help that is, LOL)

Dads on vacation!

The Hubby is on vacation and him and the boys have a project they
are working on. The boys are so excited to get it done. What they don't realize
is that you have to sand, paint, put together, etc. All that good stuff.
I am just glad to see all the "guys" doing a project together.
I am hoping to take pictures of all the progress. Here's some I took last night. Until next time!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday, enough said!

Have I told you I HATE the heat?? We just got back from camping over the weekend and the first 2 days were beautiful but then it decided to get HOT. I was over the camping thing after that. LOL Darn it, it makes me grouchy! I am such a bad photographer. Didn't take one stinkin' picture over the weekend either. What's wrong with me? LOL
Anyway, snapped this one of Trevor today. Such a good sport. I ran a vintage action over it and tweeked it a bit. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

POTD 7-3-08

Well thought I would be different and actually be on theme today. I had fun doing this one. Please tell me what you think of it! Have a great 4th of July weekend! We are headed to the lake! Until next time! ETA: Kudos to Leah for the awesome texture!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Beautiful Girl!

She finally let me snap a few. I loved the outfit she had but we
sure need some locations to shoot at. Its such a rarity that she lets me take her
pictures that I jumped at the chance even if we were going to go anywher. I seriously need to
work on posing. She sure isn't natural at it. Its all uncomfortable to her. But I think we did
pretty good huh? Let me know what you think. Until next time!!